Playing with Adafruit Nintendo Digitizer

I’ve finished a first version of the enclosure.


The components are quite simple:

The goal is to use the touch screen as a keyboard. I’ve created a 4 X 4 grid. It is working, except that the touch screen sends some NoteOff events even when I am still pressing on it. I’ll try to play with the pressure range to fix that.

Ok, I found a solution. First, I’ve used a multimeter as advised and replaced the resistance:

// For better pressure precision, we need to know the resistance
// between X+ and X- Use any multimeter to read it
// For the one we’re using, its 300 ohms across the X plate
TouchScreen ts = TouchScreen(XP, YP, XM, YM, 741);

Second, in Touchscreen.cpp, I’ve changed the NUMSAMPLES, from the default value (2) to 3:

#define NUMSAMPLES 3

And now it works perfectly!