How to calibrate the Shining Einstart-S 3D Desktop

First launch the App 3dStarApp on your computer and in the menu “3dStarApp” > “Preferences”.

Click on “Machine”:

Capture d’écran 2017-05-13 à 15.59.05.png

Then click on “Machine Calibration”.

Capture d’écran 2017-05-13 à 16.00.22.png

You can now follow the first steps of the Einstart 3D printer user manual v2.1:

  • Click “Home” to move z axis to home position.
  • Click “o” to move the extrude nozzle to the platform center

And then the user manual is wrong: you shouldn’t click on Capture d’écran 2017-05-13 à 16.03.34.png but instead, you have to click on Capture d’écran 2017-05-13 à 16.03.44.png to make the platform goes up. Yes, clicking on the bottom arrow to go up is counterintuitive, but this is the way to go.

If Move Mode is on “Sequent”, you need to keep clicking on the Capture d’écran 2017-05-13 à 16.03.44.png to make it continuously go up, near the extrude nozzle. And when you are close to the extrude nozzle, put a A4 paper on the platform, and switch to “Aptotic” mode. Then each time you click on Capture d’écran 2017-05-13 à 16.03.44.png, it will go up by 0,20mm. Repeat until you cannot remove the A4 paper, and then click on Capture d’écran 2017-05-13 à 16.03.34.png to obtain a à,20mm distance between the extrude nozzle and the platform.

Now you can click on Capture d’écran 2017-05-13 à 16.08.44.png to set the offset.

You are all set, you can close the windows.


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